5 AC Energy Saving Tips for Omaha Residents

Summer may be coming to an end, but it’s never too late to save money on your energy bills. If your energy bills are going through the roof and you’re looking for reputable tricks to help your wallet out, we got you covered. The team at Getzschman understands the need for comfort (and saving money!). Check out our 5 top energy saving tips:

1. Keep Your Blinds Shut 

Close your blinds to keep your home from accumulating heat from the sun. If you keep your blinds open, your AC unit has to work harder!

2. Use Your Ceiling Fan 

Ah, a sweet breeze. We recommend using your ceiling fan whenever you can. The good news is it doesn’t require a lot of energy to operate. It also helps move around the cool air throughout your room.

3. Don’t Turn Off Your Thermostat

Yes, this might seem like the smart thing to do, especially if you’re going to be gone, but unfortunately, this typically allows humidity to build up. This means that your system has to work really hard to remove that humidity from your home when you turn it back on. Also, it’s not uncommon for excess humidity and heat to lead to mold growth. Keep your thermostat on and choose a higher temperature you can leave it at.

4. Try Setting the Temperature Up a Few Degrees

Setting the temperature up a few degrees can help your air conditioner work less. The U.S. Department of Energy reports that you can save as much as 1% on your utility bills for every degree you bump the temperature up if the setback period is at least eight hours.

Higher temperatures can help you use less energy and keep your humidity level steady. We recommend setting your thermostat up no more than five degrees.

5. Use a Programmable Thermostat

Did you know you can easily control the temperature in your home using a programmable thermostat? Go ahead and set it for a warmer temperature and keep it there while you’re gone. Even better, feel free to program it to lower the temperature an hour or so before you return home from work so your home will feel comfortable.

Our final tip? Get an AC tune-up to ensure your unit is always running efficiently. If your AC is on the fritz, call Getzschman Heating and Air Conditioning at (402) 554-1110 or contact us online.