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9 Big Ways to Save on Your Air Conditioning Bill

In our last Getzschman Heating blog post, we gave you some simple things you can do to save money on your air conditioning bills this summer. This time, the we’re going to give you a few more ideas that are a little more involved or may require a small initial investment, but will save you a significant amount of money in energy savings.
ATTIC-First of all, make your home as energy efficient as possible in the ways that will make the biggest difference. For instance, did you know that up to 30% of the heat that enters your house is absorbed through your roof? Is your attic properly insulated and ventilated? Insulation will help keep the hot air from seeping into your home through the ceiling and vents in the eaves allow cooler air to enter to reduce the temperature of the air in the attic. A ridge vent or an attic fan can significantly reduce your cooling costs. Plus, any insulation you add will also help conserve energy in the winter reducing heating bills.
DUCTWORK-Another area to think about insulating is the ductwork in your attic, crawl spaces, garages and other areas that warm air exists. They will pick up the heat from the surrounding air and make the air inside the ducts warmer.
WINDOWS–Consider installing window tinting on the windows that get a lot of sun (east and west-facing windows) to minimize the heat absorption. Installing awnings on these sides of your home is another sun slashing option.
THERMOSTAT-If you don’t already have one, install a programmable thermostat. Each degree you raise the thermostat up will save about 7-8 percent on your electric bill.
AIR CONDITIONER– If you have an old air conditioner that has a SEER rating of less than 8, it is probably worth replacing. With the energy you save, you should be able to pay for it in just a few years.
AC MAINTENANCE CHECK–Have your air conditioning unit tuned up once a year to be sure it is running at peak efficiency.
CEILING FANS–If you have ceiling fans, use them and make sure the fan is blowing the air downward. For most fans, when you’re standing under the fan looking up, counter-clockwise blows down and clockwise blows up. If you don’t have ceiling fans, install a few in the rooms you use the most. Running a ceiling fan can allow you to set the temperature up five degrees because the moving air increases the amount of evaporation from your skin and helps cool you off.
PLUG THE LEAKS–Add weather stripping around windows and doors. Fill any gaps where utilities enter the house (plumbing, electrical, dryer vents, etc.) or around fireplaces. This will also help with heating in the winter.
PLANT A TREE–Plant a tree near your outdoor unit to shade it. Keeping the unit cool will help it run more efficiently.
And if you’re REALLY serious about making your home energy efficient, check out the ReEnergize Program for Omaha and Lincoln residents. You could earn a rebate that pays you $100 per 1% energy savings in your home. Just click the link for all of the details.