5 Signs Your AC Has a Refrigerant Leak

Have you noticed your AC is not working quite the way it used to? Is it taking longer to cool down or feeling like it’s not really getting cool at all? If this is the case, you might have a refrigerant leak. A leaking system can cost a lot of money over time if it is not repaired, so if you suspect you might have a leak, it is important to have it checked by a professional. The team at Getzschman Heating and AIr Conditioning has put together a list of signs that you may have a refrigerant leak. Look for these symptoms:
Your House Is Not Getting Cold Enough
This will likely be your first sign that something is wrong. If you walk into your house and the cool air is not as refreshing as it once was, even after dropping the temperature a few extra degrees, there may be a leak.
Cold Air Is Not Coming from Your Vents
The air coming out of your vents should be cold. The refrigerant absorbs the warm air from your house and moves it outside. If you notice warm air coming from your vents, it’s a sign that your refrigerant is not doing what it is supposed to do.
Your Utility Bill Is Higher Than Normal
Air conditioning systems that are low in refrigerant utilize longer cooling cycles to get your house cool. This means your AC runs almost nonstop to meet the demand. This will result in a higher electric bill. If you notice a sudden change in your monthly bill, it’s a good idea to take a look at your AC system.
You Hear a Hissing Sound Coming from Your AC
Because your AC condenser unit is outside, a hissing sound coming from your unit may not be the first symptom you notice. However, if you find that your system is not cooling or you have an increased bill, you should step outside and listen to your unit. If you hear an abnormal hissing sound, it’s time to call a technician.
The Evaporator Coils Are Frozen
Again, this will likely not be the first sign you notice. If your AC is acting funny, take a peek inside. If you see ice inside your unit, it’s a good sign you are leaking refrigerant. Turn off your air conditioner so it will thaw and call a professional.
It is important to note that If you have a refrigerant leak, adding more refrigerant will not solve the problem. You will only end up replenishing the system every year. Instead, you need a qualified HVAC technician to repair or replace your unit.