Family Fun When the AC’s Busted

Remember when you were a kid and there was a power outage, or maybe a tornado warning, or even just a snow day. Those days, the normal routine was messed up, but it also provided a rare opportunity to do something out of the ordinary. Sitting by candlelight telling stories instead of watching TV…gathering in a corner of the basement and playing games or eating snacks instead of dinner around the table…sleeping in or making snowmen outside instead of going to school…half the fun of it was that it was made more magical because it was somehow accidental. It wasn’t supposed to be that way. When life doesn’t go as planned, look at it as an opportunity to do something out of the ordinary and special.
Tips to Survive an Air Conditioner Breakdown
Let’s face it, it’s never a good time for the AC to break down. As air conditioner professionals, we want to educate families on how they can prepare for, and survive an AC breakdown. The tips below should provide ample advice to help you keep cool in an emergency and make the best of a bad situation.
Grill Outside or Order Delivery
The last thing you want to do is turn your oven or stove on and create more heat in your home. If it’s possible to grill outside in the summer months, this will save energy and help to reduce the heat inside your home. Grill hot dogs on sticks like a campfire and add s’mores for dessert. Order pizza or other delivery food and take it to a local park where you can sit in the shade. Or use a slow cooker and place it in your basement or garage where it won’t add heat to the house.
Made in the Shade
Keeping the shades drawn during the hottest part of the day can help to keep the inside of your home cool during warmer weather conditions by keeping the sun’s rays out. Once the sun sets, open up the shades to let cool breezes in and create air movement.
Pools & Sprinklers
If you have a neighborhood pool or live close to a lake, make the most of the summer weather and spend time enjoying the outdoors until your AC is fixed. Water is a great way to cool down. Fill a spray bottle with water and spritz yourself. Turn on the garden sprinkler and run through it. The kids will love it and you just might feel like a kid again too! Water balloon fight, anyone?
Open Windows and Crank Up Ceiling Fans
Windows and ceiling fans can increase airflow and ventilate your home in the event of an air conditioning emergency. Make sure that your windows and doors allow a steady flow of air if there is a breeze outside. Depending on how hot it is outside it may be best to close the windows in rooms with ceiling fans and make the most of the cooling breeze the fans provide. TIP: Make sure your fans are rotating counterclockwise during the summer months. This pushes air down and creates a nice breeze that will cool your skin with a windchill effect.