Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Air Conditioner

Your home’s air conditioner is complicated. It consists of several pieces of equipment that all work together to provide you with a cooler, more comfortable home environment. While the way it works is no laughing matter (a broken air conditioner can be costly, and not much fun for homeowners), there are some mostly unknown facts about your air conditioner that you might find fascinating.
The First Places to Use AC?: Movie Theaters
Suprised? Us too. Movie theaters were among the first public places to have air conditioning, as a ploy to try and get everyone to come to the movies. Theaters would release big pictures in the summer, hence the term “summer blockbuster.”
What Relies on Air Conditioning to Survive?: Medications
Air conditioners allow many of the medications you take each day to be studied and developed. Researchers require cool and less-humid air in their labs to accurately study these groundbreaking necessities.
The U.S. Uses the Same Amount of Energy to Power AC Systems as Which Continent?: Africa
The U.S. is one of the biggest consumers of air conditioning in the world. We use so much of it, that our energy consumption for them is equal to the amount of energy Africa uses every year to power the entire continent.
Before BTU’s, How Were Air Conditioner Output Ratings Judged?: Ice
Prior to the invention of the air conditioner, people used to keep cool with large blocks of ice. So, when air conditioners were first introduced in 1902, their output ratings were judged based on how much ice you would need to get the same cooling power.
What Was the Driving Factor Behind the Invention of the Air Conditioner?: Newspapers
In 1902, Willis Carrier came up with the idea when working at a publishing company. He needed a way to keep his paper from expanding and the ink from running. Viola!
Air Conditioners Are Responsible for Changing What in Humans?: Our Heat Tolerance
Scientific studies have shown that the introduction of air conditioning has actually lowered the natural human tolerance for heat. Meaning a hot summer’s day seems much more amplified than it did to people generations ago.
Who Created The First Pseudo Air Conditioner?: The Chinese
In 180 AD, a Chinese artisan invented a 10-foot wide rotary fan that had seven connected wheels. It could cool an entire hall of people just by turning a crank.
Who Is Considered the Father of Air Conditioning & Refrigeration?: John Gorrie
Gorrie was a Floridian doctor, and in 1842 he developed a machine that made ice in order to cool the air for his patients. He was granted a patent to create a similar machine for homes and buildings, but died before he could create it.
What U.S. Landmark Building was Among the First Ever to Use Air Conditioning?: The New York Stock Exchange
The New York Stock Exchange Building was one of the first buildings to use air conditioning in 1903.
The Invention of the Air Conditioner Changed What Other Industry? Architecture
Before air conditioners, architects used to design homes and buildings with high ceilings, porches, breezeways, and landscaping that provided shade in order to keep occupants cool.
Getzschman Heating & Air Conditioning Cooling may not be the original inventors of air conditioning, but we sure are the Omaha AC industry experts. Give us a call at 402-235-6727 if you ever have any questions or need AC service fast.