Repair or Replace? – The Secret Financial Formula

It’s the middle of summer and your air conditioner is getting plenty of use. But, you’ve noticed that it’s just not running as well as it used to. Maybe your energy bill has been higher than normal, or the AC runs longer than it used to. Now comes a decision that’s always difficult to make when it comes to appliances: …

The EPA’s Ban of Freon (R-22) & What it Means for Homeowners

Homeowners are constantly looking for ways to cut costs here and there, but have you thought about your AC unit could be costing you more money? Today, the professionals at Getzschman are breaking down the details on the EPA’s ban of Freon (R-22) and what it means for you and your AC unit. What is Freon (R-22)? Freon or R-22, …

Ductless Mini Split Systems 101: A Homeowner’s Guide

On average, Nebraska sees summer temperatures between 78 and 85 degrees. And every once in a while, those numbers skyrocket into the low to mid-90s. Additionally, the region experiences high humidity-often 84 percent or higher depending on the day. Those high humidity levels only add to the scorching heat, making the outdoors feel more than unbearable. As a homeowner in …

6 Simple Tips to Beat the Heat This Summer

When summertime rolls around, thoughts of swimming, picnics, and barbecues come to mind. But there’s one thing we just can’t seem to welcome with open arms: the ever-rising summer heat. Let’s face it: it’s hot out and will only get hotter as the months roll on. But there’s no need to feel helpless against the sun’s relentless rays! Below are …

What Is My SEER Rating & Why Does It Matter?

  Air conditioners all have an energy efficiency rating. It’s called a SEER rating. A SEER rating is defined as Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating. The rating is determined by the output of heat or air for each unit of energy the unit consumes. The higher the output, the higher the rating. Higher ratings indicate higher efficiency. Related Read: 4 Quick …

How to Make Natural Ventilation Work In Your Home

Natural ventilation is a great way to keep your home cooler and less stuffy without the workings of an air conditioner. While an air conditioner can help keep your home cooler, it can’t always mimic the invigorating effects of natural air and wind. Getzschman Heating & Cooling understands that homeowners don’t want to have to run their air conditioners all …

How to Keep Your Bedroom Cooler at Night

As the air conditioning season is winding down, many homeowners choose to forgo the convenience of air conditioning to save money. While the air may not seem quite as hot and humid, it can still cause problems at night when you’re trying to get a little quality shuteye. It’s been proven that sleeping in a cooler room promotes deep, restorative …

Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Air Conditioner

Your home’s air conditioner is complicated. It consists of several pieces of equipment that all work together to provide you with a cooler, more comfortable home environment. While the way it works is no laughing matter (a broken air conditioner can be costly, and not much fun for homeowners), there are some mostly unknown facts about your air conditioner that …

Everything You Need to Know about the Ductless Mini-Split System

When it comes to keeping your Omaha area home cooler, there are just so many options! While many homeowners tend to go with traditional air conditioning systems that consists of both an indoor and outdoor unit, there are other systems that can still get you results. Ductless mini-split systems are one option that is becoming increasingly popular today. Here’s everything …

Why A Bigger AC Unit Isn’t Better

Bigger isn’t always better. This rings especially true when referring to air conditioning systems. It’s actually much more efficient and effective to have a unit that is appropriately sized for your home. Here are some of the biggest problems you’ll experience if you install a cooling system that’s too big, and how you can figure out what size air conditioner …