Get the Most Out of Your Omaha Home’s Air Conditioner

Does your home seem to have several climates as you walk from room to room? Are you cranking the AC, but not feeling any cooler? If this sounds like your home, you probably aren’t getting the most our of your air conditioning system. The Getzschman Heating & Cooling team has compiled a list of four ways you can make sure to get the most out of your air conditioning system this spring and summer.

Be Wise About Where You Place Your Furniture

To get the most out of your air circulation, make sure your furniture isn’t blocking your air vents. Heavy furniture can block airflow coming out from vents, and can especially block air from re-entering your AC system. This will leave you with stagnant air that sits on the ground, which doesn’t do you any good. If your furniture isn’t the problem and your home still feels stuffy, you might have another issue and should call a technician to check it out and see if your air conditioner system needs repair.

To keep your ductwork clean and efficient, schedule a Getzschman technician to come to your home and perform our air duct cleaning services. It will keep your airflow consistent, and keep the air circulating through your home cleaner.

Keep Bedroom Doors Closed

If you live in a two-story home, make sure you keep your bedroom doors closed. Open bedroom doors will allow cold air to seep into the stairways and fall down to the main floor. Remember, hot air rises, and cool air falls. Keeping bedroom doors closed will ensure you stay cooler at night, which is proven to help you get a better night’s rest.

Change the Dampers in Your Ductwork

To keep your air conditioning system working as efficiently as possible, use the dampers in your ductwork to control the amount of airflow to specific rooms. Since we know cold air falls, you might want to open the dampers in your second and third-floor rooms, and close some of the dampers in your basement, or in rooms you don’t use much in the warmer months. This will ensure the cold air is reaching the rooms you use the most, keeping you more comfortable, and saving you money since your system will not be wasting energy cooling unused rooms.

To keep your AC system working more efficiently and save even more money read our blog post on setting a programmable thermostat the right way.

Use Ceiling Fans to Supplement AC

A great way to supplement your air conditioner, and save some money in the process, is by using your ceiling fans. Adjust your fans to spin counter clockwise, so it creates a downdraft of cool air. This will redistribute the cooler air, and keep the air circulating, making the room feel less stuffy. This one switch can make a room feel up to eight degrees cooler, while using minimal energy.

For more air conditioning tips or services, call the technicians you can trust at Getzschman at (800) 657-2158.